Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About (Part 3)

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1. Save Your Cake And Eat It, Too

If you’ve ever taken leftover cake home and went to eat it later, it’s just not the same (kind of gross, actually). The edges are always stale and crumbly after sitting out. Next time, place a few pieces of bread on the outer edges to keep it soft and moist!

#27. Use bread to keep leftover cake soft and moist! ~ 36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source & Instructions: Created By Diane

2. Make Your Honey Like New Again

Have you ever thrown out crystallized honey because you thought it couldn’t be saved? I have! But it turns out the crystallization of honey is natural and not harmful. You can revive your little honey bear by placing it in a pot of hot water to warm it up. It will stay soft for a long time!

#28. Make your honey like new again! ~ 36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Photo Source: Dans le Townhouse

3. Freeze Herbs In Oil

If you freeze your herbs in olive oil it will prevent them from browning and getting freezer burn. Not to mention they will always be handy, whether in season or not. Toss the cubes in a pan for sautéing meat and veggies, or use them as a sauce for pasta.

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source & Instructions: The Hungry Mouse

4. Opening Jars With Ease

There’s always that one jar that pisses you off! I usually just hand it over to the husband, but when you need a little bit of assistance, just put on a rubber kitchen glove, or place a thick rubber band around the lid. The rubber gives you just the right amount of grip to get the job done without tearing a muscle.

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source: Instructables

5. Cherry Tomato Hack

I usually just pop these in whole, but if you are using them for a salad or other dish, here is a trick using 2 plastic lids to cut them quickly! Make sure you are using a large, sharp knife.

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source & Instructions: Food 52

6. Make Crystal Clear Ice'

I want to try this simply for the fun of it. Apparently, the process of boiling filtered water eliminates dissolved air and decompresses minerals in the water. That’s way too much science for me, but this would make for pretty cubes, especially if you’re freezing them with fruit for a water pitcher.

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source & Instructions: Instructables

7. Ripen Bananas Quickly

Just in case you’re making banana bread or any other recipe that requires ripe bananas, here is a trick that will have them ripe in less than an hour. The black looks awfully scary, but if you take a peek inside of the peel, you’ll see that they are just right for baking.

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source & Instructions: Clean Green Simple

8. Cook Fish On Lemons

Because fish sticks and falls apart so easily on a grill, this is the best way to cook it! Not only does the fish soak up the citrus flavor of the lemons, but it keeps your fish in one piece and makes clean up really easy.

#34. Use sliced lemons to grill fish! ~ 36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source & Instructions: The Mother Huddle

9. Muffin Pan Citrus Cubes
This is a fabulous idea for a water or sangria pitcher! A muffin pan gives you much larger cubes, making the ice last much longer. This also looks beautiful with the whole lemon slices in there. You could also do this with oranges; maybe even throw in some mint or sliced strawberries!

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
Source & Instructions: Industrious Justice

10. DIY Fruit & Veggie Wash
Don’t waste your money on those sprays they sell at the store. Not only is this a lot cheaper, but it’s also all natural. Even if you buy your produce organic, giving it a good wash is important. I’ve also seen a few recipes with vinegar, but I don’t like the smell. Purchase a small spray bottle, and then fill it with one cup of water, one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and one tablespoon of baking soda. Shake gently to mix it together (it will bubble and fizz a bit).

36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
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